14 July 2022

As the warm, dry weather continues, users of private water supplies are reminded to keep a close eye on their supply.
It is advisable to monitor water levels, conserve water wherever possible, ensuring you follow other government advice to wash your hands regularly and review your emergency plans to ensure an alternative supply of water is available is required.
If you do not have an alternative supply, make sure you have re-fillable water containers (or bowsers) and enough bottled water for drinking, cooking, and washing.
Remember all relevant persons (owners, occupiers, landlords and landowners) are responsible for ensuring the sufficiency of the supply.
Private water supply owners should also continue with operational checks including where possible, including inspection of the source, storage and distribution network, ensure that maintenance is being carried out as required (e.g. replacing UV lamps or monitoring chlorine dose) and that they have sufficient spares of essential equipment to ensure supplies remain wholesome at all times.
If you have any queries or require further advice, please contact the Environmental Protection team on by phone (01597 826000) or email ([email protected]).
Further information is also available at www.dwi.gov.uk/private-water-supply/index.htm