28 June 2022

New interim executive management arrangements are being put in place at Powys County Council following the departure of an Executive Director.
Ali Bulman, Executive Director for People and Organisation Development is leaving the Council to start a new role of Strategic Director-Care and Wellbeing with Cornwall County Council.
Chief Executive, Dr Caroline Turner said: “We thank Ali for her hard work and dedication, particularly over the past two years when services were under severe pressure. We wish her well in her new role.
“Her departure has provided the Council with an opportunity to revisit executive arrangements and to strengthen the links between the Education Service and Children’s Services, and between Adult Social Care, Commissioning and Housing.
“The Council has a new Cabinet following the local elections in May and has agreed its Progressive Partnership Agreement, which is being developed into a new Corporate Plan.
“It is important that the senior structure of the Council is therefore aligned to best support and deliver these priorities. Following discussions with the Leader and Cabinet we have agreed to put in place an interim executive management structure for up to 12 months.
“The interim structure will include a Director of Social Services and Housing, responsible for Adult Social Services, Commissioning and Housing, as well as holding the statutory designation of Director of Social Services.
“The current Head of Housing and Community Development, Nina Davies has been appointed to the post and will take up her duties on Friday (July 1).
“We are strengthening the links between Children’s Service and the Education Service by creating the role of Director of Education and Children, and the current Director of Education Lynette Lovell will take up the new post from Friday.
“The final executive management change will see Emma Palmer, current Head of Transformation and Communications appointed Director of Corporate Services, responsible for Workforce, Organisational Design, Digital Services, Transformation and Communications.
“The new role will have joint line management responsibilities with the Executive Director Economy and Environment for the Head of Digital Services, in regard to the council’s internal ICT and those provided jointly to the PTHB.
“The Executive Director, Nigel Brinn, will maintain line management responsibility for the other areas of the Service, in particular Economic Development, and also Culture and Leisure.
“We have informed Welsh Government officials, Care Inspectorate Wales and Estyn of our proposals and they are supportive. We wish the new executive officers well in their new posts and look forward to working with them,” she added.