18 October 2022

Residents in Powys are being asked by the county council to think twice before accepting a goldfish as a prize if they have attended a fair.
The advice comes from Powys County Council’s Trading Standards Service, who also say the goldfish prize should only be accepted if the individual has the knowledge and equipment necessary to ensure the welfare needs of the fish are met, including taking it home without delay.
The service is also reminding people that when attending fairs in the county that it is an offence in Wales under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 to give away an animal as a prize if the person is under the age of 16 and not accompanied by an adult.
Cllr Richard Church, Cabinet Member for a Safer Powys, said: “Animal ownership is a big responsibility that needs to be planned and well thought out – not a spur of the moment thing that happens just because someone has won a prize.
“I would urge anyone who attends a fun fair to think twice before accepting a goldfish as a prize. If they do accept it as a prize, you will have a duty of care to the animal under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and have to ensure that their needs are met.
“Anyone giving a goldfish as a prize to someone under the age of 16 that are not accompanied by an adult is committing an offence under the act.”
Anyone witnessing goldfish being given as prizes to individuals under the age of 16 years of age, that are not accompanied by an adult are advised to report the fact to the council’s Trading Standards Service on 01597 826032.