Pembrokeshire Skills & Enterprise Project provides investment in people, communities and business

    Pembrokeshire Skills & Enterprise Project provides investment in people, communities and business

    An exciting Enterprise and Development Project was launched at the Bridge Innovation Centre, Pembroke Dock recently.

    The £1.34m project aims to deliver elements of Pembrokeshire County Council’s Pembrokeshire Recovery and Regeneration Strategy 2020-2030 and build on the expertise of local and national delivery partners whilst bringing a new and exciting offer to support local skills development, entrepreneurs and enable businesses to grow. 

     Rachel Moxey, the Council’s Head of Economic Development & Regeneration, said:

    “We are delighted to introduce the project with our partners. The Project will provide investment in people, communities and business and tackle disadvantage at a local level. This will aid us in developing future initiatives that will further aid Pembrokeshire residents such as the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.” 

    Presentations followed from the business skills partners, Cwmpas (formerly Wales Cooperative) who introduced their Hackathon events focused on entrepreneurial stimuli for key county towns, generating enterprising opportunities.

    Business in Focus outlined a dynamic pre-start pathway to entrepreneurship, combining tailored support via advice and mentoring to develop confidence, motivation and entrepreneurial thinking.

    Partners providing skills initiatives are Pembrokeshire College, with an engineering skills initiative responding to current and emerging skills requirement for industry.

    This includes 10-week courses in mechanical engineering, computer aided design and hydraulics and pneumatics.

    Futureworks and the College are also providing tourism/hospitality skills initiatives with Futureworks providing further opportunities in the land based, heritage and digital sectors.

    Providence Training outlined its programme to introduce participants to the Energy sector and its opportunities and equip participants with sector recognised skills and awards such as coded welding.

    Additional initiatives include a study to gain an understanding of Pembrokeshire businesses current skills, capacity deficits and future gaps which is critical to meet shifting market demands. 

    A second feasibility study aims to identify local innovative spaces for greening to reduce town carbon impacts whilst also identifying green based employment and entrepreneurial opportunities.

     Cllr Paul Miller, Council Deputy Leader and Cabinet member for Place, the Region and Climate Change, said:

    “Thanks to the hard work of the team and partners Pembrokeshire is fortunate to have received a significant award from the CRF fund for the Enterprise and Skills project which will enable people to enter new training opportunities, support businesses, and facilitate the creation of new jobs.”

     If you interested in finding out more about the opportunities the Enterprise and Skills project could offer you please visit: where more information will be posted in due course.

    This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund.



    ID: 8838, revised 30/06/2022

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