From Dyfed Powys Police:
We are launching Operation Heritage Cymru today, Tuesday 21st June 2022.
We have linked-up with the other welsh forces to drive down heritage crime with a stark warning – once it is gone it cannot be returned.
Heritage crime harms historic assets and sites, and includes illegal metal detecting, or nighthawking, and off-roading on such sites
Dyfed-Powys Police Chief Constable, Dr Richard Lewis, said:
“Our heritage is what makes us who we are so it is vital that we protect these landmarks and landscapes for future generations.
“It may seem like small crimes to those involved but it is not. Anything that is taken or damaged in the process of heritage crime is irreplaceable. So, once they are gone they are lost forever.
“As police forces we are showing our commitment to this issue so we hope the public will support us by being our eyes and ears and reporting it to us when they see people committing heritage crimes.
If you are aware of a crime currently taking place, please telephone the police immediately on 999.
If you are concerned that a recent incident has taken place which has damaged a historic asset, please call 101 to report the incident to the police. Alternatively, you will be able to report it via your local force’s website.
Please quote “Op Heritage Cymru” when reporting.
To pass on information about criminal activity and remain anonymous, contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or by visiting
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