17 February 2023

A new Family Centre, in the Oldford area of Welshpool was officially opened yesterday by Deputy Minister for Social Services, Julie Morgan.
The Welshpool Integrated Family Centre opened its doors in October last year as a “one stop shop” providing services and support to children, young people and their families.
The centre provides activities such as parent and toddler groups, baby massage, information and advice, Incredible Years Parenting Training programmes, health advice, family support and counselling.
The work to refurbish the building situated in the heart of a Flying Start catchment has been completed with the support of £700,000 of Welsh Government Flying Start Capital funding.
The Deputy Minister for Social Services, Julie Morgan said: “I am thrilled to attend the launch of the new Family Centre which has been funded through our Flying Start programme. By offering such a wide range of activities, including childcare and advice, all in one place it makes it easier for families, children and young people to access the support they need.
“It was great to see first-hand the positive impact this new facility is having on the local community and I look forward to seeing similar sites open across Wales.”
Councillor James Gibson-Watt, Leader of Powys County Council says; “We were delighted to welcome the Minister to our new family centre today. It gave us the opportunity to showcase some of the excellent partnership and support work that is already taking place and also to thank her for the Welsh Government’s support for this project.
“The new centre in the heart of the community is enabling children, young people and their families to access services all in one place. It provides childcare as well as office and community spaces and it’s good to see these early help services all working together to meet families’ needs.”
The Flying Start team who include Health Visitors and Speech and Language professionals are based at the site. Powys County Council’s Children’s Early Help and Adult Services staff along with colleagues from agencies such as Montgomeryshire Family Crisis Centre, also share the office space within the building.
This is the second Integrated Family Centre to open in the county and is part of a wider ambition to develop a series of similar sites across the county.
Flying Start childcare and Foundation Phase provision is now available to families at the site. Local families can find out more on the Facebook page @WelshpoolIntegratedFamilyCentre or visit https://en.powys.gov.uk/article/13657/Welshpool-Integrated-Family-Centre