31 October 2022

Powys residents and businesses can now suggest a topic for discussion by the county council’s scrutiny committees through its
Anyone can do this as a guest, or if they have a My Account, they can login and parts of the online form will be filled in automatically for them, if they have added their address and contact details to their profile.
Not every suggestion can be discussed, but all will be considered, and it will be for the individual scrutiny committees to decide if a submission is relevant.
The website can also be used in the same way to comment on agenda items for any of Powys County Council’s scrutiny committees.
Owners of a My Account will also be able to return and view details of their requests at any time and see updates on their progress. And if they phone the council about a request, it will be possible for officers to access those details quickly.
The scrutiny committees assist the development and review of policies, monitor performance and budgets, review council services and matters affecting Powys, and make recommendations to the cabinet or council. They are an integral part of making sure the council is operating effectively, but they do not take decisions.
Powys County Council Leader and Cabinet Member for an Open and Transparent Powys, Cllr James Gibson-Watt said: “If you have a topic that you are really passionate about and think it deserves to be discussed in more detail, then please do get in touch with us through the website.
“We are always keen to hear what residents and businesses think about the work of the council, so that we can make improvements to our services. And we also know that good ideas, which have the power to improve lives and communities, can come from anywhere.”
Scrutiny committees cannot consider individual complaints, grievances or areas of concern, or any regulatory matters such as planning, taxi licensing, trading standards or licensing. Topics suggested must affect a group or community of people living or working in Powys, relate to a service, and have not been dealt with by another committee.
To suggest a topic for discussion or to comment on an agenda item go to the Powys County Council (PCC) website and search ‘scrutiny committees’. Or if you want to become the owner of a My Account first, search ‘My Account’.
These changes have been made because of feed-back from Audit Wales, which aims to give residents an opportunity to contribute to the work of scrutiny committees. It is also part of the council’s Transformation Programme to deliver aspirations in our corporate improvement plan.
Suggested topics can also be submitted in writing, by emailing them to PCC’s Scrutiny Manager and Head of Democratic Services, Wyn Richards: [email protected]