9 August 2022

Carl Cooper has been elected as the Chair of Powys Regional Partnership Board (RPB). Carl, who is Chief Executive of Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations (PAVO), took up the role as Chair during a recent board meeting.
The RPB brings together a number of public service representatives including the Powys Teaching Health Board, Powys County Council and the Third Sector. It also includes members that represent the interests of citizens and unpaid carers.
The purpose of the RPB is to set strategy and establish plans for the delivery of health, care and wellbeing services. Importantly, these services are focused on achieving what matters to people and communities. They ensure a collaborative, multi-agency approach that improves efficiency and effectiveness, thereby delivering good outcomes for our Powys population.
The Board is also responsible for investing the county’s allocation of the Welsh Government’s Regional Integration Funding to support a wide range of initiatives such as Community Connectors, Powys Befriending Service and Young Carers.
Carl Cooper will serve as Chair for the year ahead. He is joined by two Vice Chairs, Cllr Sian Cox, Powys County Council’s Cabinet Member for a Caring Powys and Kirsty Williams, Vice Chair of Powys Teaching Health Board.
Carl said: “I am delighted and honoured to be taking up this role at a time when working together for Powys is more important than ever. I take this opportunity to thank all partners for their diligence and dedication as we seek to work together to improve things for the people of Powys.”
For more information about the Powys Regional Partnership Board and the work it does, please visit https://www.powysrpb.org/
PICTURE: Powys RPB Vice Chair – Cllr Sian Cox, Powys County Council’s Cabinet Member for a Caring Powys; Powys RPB Chair – Carl Cooper, Chief Executive of PAVO; Powys RPB Vice Chair – Kirsty Williams, Vice Chair of Powys Teaching Health Board.