26 August 2022

Businesses and organisations across Powys are invited to share their thoughts to inform the council’s Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy.
Working on behalf of Powys County Council, Atkins are conducting the survey to investigate local business plans regarding the deployment of electric vehicle charging infrastructure (also known as charge points), and if relevant, plans for electrifying business fleets.
Cllr Jackie Charlton, Cabinet Member for a Greener Powys, said: “This survey will help us to understand how many Powys businesses already use electric vehicles, what might be blocking the adoption of electric vehicles, and what can be done to overcome these barriers.
“The responses will be used in the development of our new strategy, which will provide direction in the efficient deployment of charging infrastructure across the county, enabling the adoption and use of electric vehicles by more businesses, residents and visitors”
The survey is open until Friday 9th September.
To have your say, please visit: https://www.haveyoursaypowys.wales/electric-vehicle-charging