27 October 2022

Residents are urged to enjoy Bonfire Night and to be considerate and responsible, said the county council.
Powys County Council want to raise awareness of the unintended effects loud fireworks can have on animals, as well as people suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
While many look forward to Bonfire Night, others are filled with anxiety in the lead up to it. Reports from the RSPCA in 2022 state that among pet/animal owners, almost two thirds (63%) report signs of distress during the firework season.
Loud noises and sudden flashes of bright light can startle farm animals and horses and cause them to injure themselves on fencing and farm equipment.
Fireworks can also leave vulnerable people feeling scared and anxious and trigger the symptoms of people with PTSD.
Cllr Richard Church, Cabinet Member for a Safer Powys, said: “As much as fireworks night is a time for fun and celebrations for some, it is a very difficult time of the year for others, and we all need to be respectful of that.
“If you are planning on holding your own event, please think about how this may affect the people and animals in your community.
“Enjoy yourselves this Bonfire Night, but please be considerate so that everyone else can enjoy themselves also.”
Here are some tips to stay responsible:
- Attend an organised display instead of holding your own
- If you are planning an event, give your neighbours and community plenty of notice so they can be prepared for the event
- Never set off fireworks near livestock, as frightened animals – especially horses – can injure themselves when frightened.
- Buy fireworks from a registered retailer, ensure they carry the CE mark
- Consider using low noise fireworks as they can reduce the stress that is normally caused by loud fireworks where animals as well as people are concerned
Please remember these considerations not just on Bonfire Night but at any other time throughout the year when you might be planning to set off fireworks.
Residents are to be reminded that fireworks cannot be let off between the hours of 11pm and 7am. Bonfire Night has an exception to this rule, when the cut off is midnight.
You can find resources to download and support firework safety at http://www.gov.uk/guidance/my-safety-fireworks